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8 Spring Vehicle Maintenance Tips Part 1

Spring is officially here. Along with spring-cleaning and home hone-do lists, this is a great time of year to perform routine maintenance on your vehicle. In our next two posts, we will discuss eight vehicle maintenance tips for spring. In this article, we will include the first four. 

1) Thoroughly Wash Your Car

During winter, snow and ice present inconveniences beyond poor road conditions and missed work. Salt and brine used to melt slick spots and provide traction can build up on your vehicle’s paint and undercarriage. After winter weather, make sure you thoroughly wash every car.

spring vehicle maintenance tips asheville nc

Besides salt and brine, dirt and debris can wear down your vehicles paint and clear-coat, leading to damaging paint chipping and rust. Spring is a great time to take advantage of pleasant weather by thoroughly washing your car’s body, undercarriage, and often underappreciated wheels and fenders.

2) Check Your Windshield and Windshield Wiper Blades

Our bouts of snow and ice here in Goldsboro this winter may have contributed to wearing down your wiper blades. If your windshield wipers are streaking or making considerable noise while in use, it is time to have them replaced.

If your windshield has cracks or chips, those are likely to spread over time. The longer you wait to make repairs to your windshield or replace your wiper blades, the more likely you are to incur additional damage and costlier repairs. Visit a local automobile maintenance shop for assistance with your windshield and windshield wipers.

3) Make Sure Your Tires are Roadworthy

how do i perform vehicle maintenance asheville nc

The only part of your vehicle that touches the road, your tires are key to you and your family’s safety. Make sure your tires are ready to help you travel by performing these maintenance checks:

  • Tire Tread: You can test your tire tread by inserting a penny in it. If the tread depth is such that it at least touches Abraham Lincoln’s hair, your tires are in decent condition. If the tread is above Lincoln’s head, they should be replaced by a professional.
  • Assess Damage: Check your tires for obvious signs of damage or punctures. Sometimes nails and other sharp items can embed themselves in your tires, leaking slowly over time.
  • Tire Pressure: Make sure your tires are inflated to the pressure recommended in your owner’s manual. A good auto shop will be able to help you make sure your tires are properly inflated.
  • Rotate and Balance Tires: Your tires should be rotated and balanced every six months or six thousand miles. Balancing your tires may correct any vibrations you are experiencing.
  • Wheel Alignment: If you have noticed vibration when you are driving, especially at highway speeds, your wheels may require realignment. Have your auto service shop check your alignment when they are rotating and balancing your tires.

4) Check and Refill Fluids

There are numerous fluids in your vehicle besides engine oil. Each one plays a key role in maintaining proper temperatures in your engine and ensuring every component moves as it should. Fluid levels to check include:

  • Engine Oil
  • Radiator Coolant
  • Transmission Fluid
  • Power Steering Fluid
  • Brake Fluid

It is always wise to have an extra set of eyes to help examine and perform vehicle maintenance. In the Goldsboro area, we are here to help with more than oil changes. Visit our special deals page to find out more about how we can help you save, while keeping your vehicle rolling.